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10, 11 e 12 de novembro de 2015.


A Universidade Federal do Ceará, por meio do Laboratório de Estudos do Trabalho e Qualificação Profissional – LABOR/UFC, em Parceria com o Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - IFCE e com o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira da Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC, promove o IV Encontro Internacional Trabalho e Formação dos Trabalhadores, com a finalidade de contribuir com o debate em torno do Ensino Médio e da Educação Profissional.


O IV Encontro Internacional do LABOR dá sequência aos anteriores em suas temáticas, mas define a opção de dedicar seu foco ao Brasil, em especial a formação dos trabalhadores, contextualizada no panorama geopolítico americano e mundial. 

IV Encontro Internacional Labor

Torna-se fundamental, neste contexto, debater os caminhos da educação que integre a formação, ao mesmo tempo, cultural, humana e científica ao ensino técnico e profissional, nos parâmetros educacionais que incluam as demandas do desenvolvimento econômico nacional, gestado a partir do respeito pela necessária sustentabilidade social e ecológica de todas as atividades humanas, incluindo o trabalho produtivo e o desenvolvimento econômico com vistas à equidade social. Busca-se, assim, apontar para a compreensão das necessidades de qualificação profissional dos trabalhadores considerando aspectos críticos, filosóficos, éticos, ecológicos, sociológicos, políticos e culturais nos programas educacionais dessas redes.

​O evento caracteriza-se como um grande momento, de nível internacional, compreendendo a realização de Conferências Magnas, Palestras, Mesas Redondas, Comunicações, Socialização de pesquisa em Grupos de Trabalho e Exposição de Pôsteres, voltando-se, para a difusão e debate de ideias e teorias referenciais da educação, trabalho, formação humana, desenvolvimento econômico e social.





The Federal University of Ceará, through the Labor Studies and Professional Qualification Laboratory (Labor), in partnership with the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE) and with the Post-graduation Program in Brazilian Education of the Federal University of Ceará – UFC, promote the  IV International Labor Meeting and the worker training which has as the main objective to contribute with the debates about the High School and the Vocational Education at various training modes, putting on agenda issues in terms of the training quality, the personal and professional satisfaction of the egress students, their integration in the labor market, the relation of these categories concerned with economic, political and social development of Brazil.


The IV International Meeting of Labor gives sequence to its previous ones  in their thematic, but define the option to dedicate their focus to Brazil, especially the training of workers, contextualized in the American and global geopolitical landscape.


The meeting is characterized as a major event, of international level, including the realization of Magna Conferences, Lectures, Round Tables about communications, research Socialization in working groups and Posters Exhibition, turning to the dissemination and discussion of ideas and referential theories of education, labor, human, economic and social development.


Such discussions take as theoretical basis issues related to capitalist globalization, associated with the productive restructuration, technological, managerial and informational in the parameters of economic and social transformation, political as well as the ideological of Brazilian society.

In the last XX century, particularly in Brazil, it has already been watched, with the imposition of liberal recipe, a strong tendency to dilapidation and degradation of public schools, penalizing the working population, especially the social sectors and economically disadvantaged. Technical and professional education followed, during this period, the fragmentation of the curricular determinations, structural dualism, segmentation and commercialization of training emanating from liberal logic disseminated by international organizations like the (IMF, OMC, BIRD, etc.) and imposed by neoliberal policies.


The implementation of the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Enhancement of Education Professionals - FUNDEB, restructuration and expansion of public university, the creation, restructuration and expansion of Federal Institutes, among other things, for a wave of optimism framework perspectival for Brazilian education of the second decade of XXI century. We want to debate these issues about vocational training not only in terms of their contribution, but also referring to their chances of becoming a vast space of human development and a democratization and social development lever. Such elements are component parts of our debate in this scientific, academic and professional meeting.


New policies were created for the vocational education, specially in its integrated modality to the initial High School. The experiment currently underway, among which highlights the vigorous expansions of the Federal Science and Technology Education Network, the implemention of the Public High Schools Vocational Education Network (example of the state of Ceará), the development of Technological Education Center Institute / Vocational Technology Center - CENTEC / CVT and the restructuration of the system "S", points to the central importance of the theme of Integral Education and Vocational Training as a major axis of the formation of youth and the working class as a whole.


It is still emerged as a central point in this debate, alert to the need for training of educators involved in these various forms of education. The human-educational factor seems to be still sensitive barrier element of the various systems are designed in a broader and more critical perspective. Although technically trained, technical and vocational education teachers, in general, are not prepared for a human formation or even an educational perception of the relationship between the labor world and the teaching process, articulated to the development of human potential full of students -workers. The technical and professional training needs for national and regional development, associated with the urgency of the discussion of sustainable ecological and social forms for this development should become the key-point of such training. It is fundamental, in such context, debate the ways of education that integrate the training at the same time, cultural, human and scientific to the technical and professional teaching, in educational settings that include the demands of national economic development, gestated from about the necessary social and ecological sustainability of all human activities, including productive work and economic development with a view to social equity. The aim is to point to an understanding of the professional training needs of workers considering critical, philosophical, ethical, ecological, sociological, political and cultural aspects in educational programs in these networks.

O LABOR se configura na Faculdade de Educação (FACED) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) como espaço institucionalizado de desenvolvimento das atividades de pesquisa, extensão e orientação voltadas para temas vinculados, direta ou indiretamente, ao mundo do trabalho e à qualificação profissional.

A Revista do LABOR apresenta, em seu oitavo ano de atuação e ao longo de 12 edições, artigos que enfocam desde questões teóricas a análises empíricas de aspectos da realidade. Os temas suscitam questões acerca da sociedade contemporânea, economia política, educação e serviço social, mas está aberta, sob o enfoque da teoria crítica, a outras temáticas.

Blog criado para divulgar atividades do LABOR/UFC e de plataforma de eventos a ele vinculados ou de seu interesse e publicar produções de seus integrantes. Aqui você encontra informações sobre os membros do LABOR, das pesquisas desenvolvidas por eles e notícias ligadas à educação, economia política e ao mundo do trabalho.


LABOR/UFC - Laboratório de Estudos do Trabalho e Qualificação Profissional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira da Universidade Federal do Ceará

NUPEP/IFCE - Núcleo de Pesquisa em Educação Profissional.

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